This article discusses new terms of eating disorders arising among today's society that have direct relationship with anorexia and bulimia and college-aged students, (mainly women). These words are: Manorexia, Orthorexia, Diabulimia, and Drunkorexia; while none of these terms are recognized by any medical organizations, they are raising questions and concerns to medical experts. The main idea is that girls will starve themselves all day and then drink alcohol either as their main source of sustenance for the day; this is more common for those who suffer from anorexia. Those who suffer from bulimia will tend to binge drink then binge on food and then proceed to purge; the idea that the drinking relieves the reservations about their disorders which permits them to eat and drink. The article is very informational on many different types of new eating disorder crazes and has a lot to offer in terms of interest and knowledge.
Hummel, Debbie, The Associated Press. "Study Links Hair to Eating Disorders". USA Today. 17, October 2006.
This article discusses the possibility of testing for eating disorders by using strands of hair, similar to the drug testing process. It is said to be a very beneficial opportunity if it turns out to be effective because it will be able to catch the disorder in its earlier stages rather than later once it is fully onset. The biggest positive factor in this style of testing is that it will test for eating disorders in those who may not know that they are ill, or who are secretive about their disorder. Those who suffer from these disorders have a very impaired sense of self-evaluation, and therefore may not truly believe that he or she is suffering from any type of disorder or illness at all. For this reason it would be convenient for a doctor who notices a change or sees symptoms occurring could simply conduct a hair sample and determine a diagnosis.
Kingsbury, Mathleen. "Suicidal Anorexics: Determined to Die?" TIME Magazine. 28, February 2008.
This article discusses the severity of anorexia nervosa and its consequences; death. The article brings up the same point that most other references to eating disorders brings up, which is the high morality rate that directly correlates with those who suffer from eating disorders. The suicidal factor of these disorders is the extreme, and these suicidal tendencies are stronger in anorexics than any other type of eating disorder. The belief used to be that anorexic suicides were cries for help gone wrong, and the idea was that any attempt to kill oneself would be successful simply because of the malnutrition of the body. Recent studies have proved otherwise; anorexics most commonly attempt to kill themselves in effective ways, that could kill anyone, ways such as: toxic digestion, jumping in front of moving trains, and setting themselves on fire. Their choice in death is exactly a choice, it is not an attempt and they use the most extreme and effective ways to fulfill their desire for death. This article is very interesting, informative, and terrifying; a very good source of information about the severity of eating disorders.
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